Thursday, October 02, 2008

Happy October

Wow, I can't believe its already October, which only means...Camden's birthday is right around the corner. I can't believe, that he is already going to be 3!! Where in the world, did all the time go? We will be having his birthday at our new house..woohoo..We should be moving in ANY TIME! They did the asphalt yesterday, and we are meeting with the lady who does the mirrors and shower doors today at 3:30pm. Going to call the Inspector for the final inspection, and then...WE ARE IN!
I will post new pictures once we got everything in the house. We did get our furniture and new bedroom set delivered last week =)

Hope everyone is having a good start to October!

1 comment:

The Stemps said...

Your house looks like its going to be beautiful!! Is it in Kennewick? Your son is adorable!